Debabrata Panda from IRESC was invited to present in “Enviro-2017” seminar held in New Delhi on 27th- 28th February 2017. He gave a presentation on “Offshore Risk Assessment – Ensuring protection of Safety Critical Elements” which addressed use of studies such as FERA (Fire & Explosion Risk Assessment) for estimating Design Accidental Load (DAL) of safety critical elements (e.g. Fire & Blast Wall) using risk based approach. He also touched upon criticality of EEERA (Emergency Escape Evacuation Risk Assessment) study for ensuring availability of Escape and Evacuation means during any major accident hazards in an offshore platform.
The seminar was attended by major oil & gas operators, engineering companies and technology supplier such as IOCL, ONGC, BPCL, HPCL, RIL, GAIL, OIL, EIL & UOP.
The seminar focused on:
- Impact of COP 21 – Its Implication for the Hydrocarbon Industry
- HSE Compliance and beyond – Initiatives and Innovations; Upstream, Midstream and Downstream
- Safety Integrity and Environmental Protection from Hydrocarbon Production to Delivery System
- Workplace Environment and Health issues
- Water – the Dwindling Resource
- Particulate Emissions – Control, Trapping and Disposal
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